I’m not an alternative to my brother.
You can outshine David…
Don’t take liberties! That’s bordering on treason.
別放肆! 這幾乎是叛國罪了.
I’m just saying you could be King. You could do it.
我只是說你可以成為國王. 你可以的.
That is treason!
I’m trying to get you to realize you need not be governed by fear.
我是試著讓你了解, 你不需要被恐懼控制.
I‘ve had enough of this.
真是夠了. (你不需要再說了.)
What’re you afraid of?
Your poisonous words!
Why’d you come to me? You’re not middle-class banker who wants elocution lessons…so you can chit-chat at posh tea parties?
你來找我做什麼? 你並不是中產階級銀行家, 來學演說技巧難道只是想要能夠在那些奢華的上流茶會裡閒聊?
2. But you must believe me when I tell you that I’ve found it impossible to carry the heavy burden as responsibility and to discharge the duty as the King as I would wish to do without the support and the help of the woman I love.
但是, 當我告訴你我發覺要我像國王一樣地, 將這些沉重的負擔當成是一種責任並且盡力去履行這些職責, 就算我願意, 但在沒有我心愛的女人的支持和幫助下, 幾乎是不可能的事, 這你必須要相信我.
3. And I want you to know, this decision has been made less difficult to me by the sure knowledge that my brother with his long training in the public affairs of this country…and with his fine qualities will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption or injury to the life and progress of the Empire.
而且我要你知道, 我確信, 以我哥哥的優秀特質和他在國家公共事務上長期以來所受的訓練, 他將能立即取代我, 而不會對這國家的生命或進步造成中斷或傷害. 這樣的確信使得我做這個決定比較不困難.
4. Those poor young blocks cried out in fear, and no-one was listening to them. My job was to give them faith in their voice and let them know that a friend was listening.
這些可憐的傢伙因為恐懼而放聲大哭, 而且沒有人願意聽他們在說些什麼.
5. But a lot of sucesses, I can’t show you a certificate. There wasn’t training then. Everything I know I knew by my experiences and that war was some experiences. My plaque says “Logue, Speech Defects”. No Doctor, and no letters after my name.
(前文Bertie說Lionel一定沒有證書, 接下來是Lionel的台詞)
但是我有很多成功案例, 我無法出示任何的證書. 我從來就沒有接受過訓練. 所有我知道的事情都是從經驗得到, 而且那場戰爭就是某些經驗. 我的門牌上寫的是, "羅格, 語言障礙科". 我的名字後面並沒有跟著醫師(或博士)或是其他的字母.

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