1. The task will be hard, there may be dark days ahead, and the war can no longer be confined to battlefield, but we can only do the right as we see the right and reverently commit our course to God. If one and all keep resolutely faithful to it, then with God’s help, we shall prevail.
這個任務將會是艱難的, 前方也許會有黑暗的日子, 而且戰爭也不再受限於戰場上, 但是我們只能走一步算一步, 做那些我們認為是正確的事, 並且虔誠地讓上帝來決定最後的結果. 如果每個人都有堅定的信仰, 那麼藉由上帝的幫助, 我們終將勝利.
2. John tried in vain to gloss over his faults.
4. Well, what do we do then, sir? We joined the Marines because we wanted to live our lives by a certain code, and we found it in the Corps.
那麼, 長官, 我們該怎麼做呢? 我們加入陸戰隊因為我們想要在某種規範下生活, 而且我們在軍隊中找到了這樣的規範.
5. You’ve made it clear that your men never take matters into their hands…Your men follow orders, or people die.
你已經講得很清楚, 你的人絕不會自己決定事情要怎麼處理...你的人服從命令, 否則就會有人死亡.
And then you cut these guys loose!
然後你讓這些人自生自滅! (切斷和這些人的關係, 意即否認他曾經下了紅色代碼的命令, 讓下屬獨自面對.)

參考資料 4.5兩段似乎是A Few Good Men的台詞, 我只翻譯比較難的部分.
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